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    Regional Representative




Global Scholars (––a principal partner with the Society of Christian Scholars ( that provides it with funding and operational support––seeks a full-time Regional Representative to serve the Society of Christian Scholars from one of the following regions: Caribbean, Eurasia (countries north of China, Mongolia, Middle East and east of Ukraine), Middle East/North Africa, or South Asia. The Society of Christian Scholars is a growing academic community that equips Christian academics to have a redemptive influence for Christ among their students, colleagues, institutions, and academic disciplines. As a Society of Christian Scholars Regional Representative, you will contribute to a local and global movement of believing scholars by partnering with scholars in your region to develop and implement strategies to mutually equip one another for Christ’s glory. 



Our international team of experts values colleagues who are humble (e.g., accept constructive criticism gracefully), who passionately and prayerfully pursue a call to serve believing scholars, who thrive on a team that relentlessly pursues excellence, who work well with others, who have the drive and skillset to build a ministry from nothing, who have a robust understanding of the Bible and theology, and who are mature leaders that manifest the “Fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22–23.


Qualifications & Experience

Terminal degree

Five years of experience in higher education

Conversant with higher education in the region

Citizen of, and lives in,  a country in the region

Travel expected

Conversational fluency in English

Understands and pursues the integration of faith and scholarship

Intercultural experience and sensitivity

Demonstrated commitment to holistic university ministry

Agreement with the Society’s Statement of Faith


Position Description

View Position Description here.


Application Instructions

  • Submit a Cover Letter and CV (including references) to Dr. Keith Campbell by 1 October 2024. 

  • Interviews begin 1 November 2024.

  • Position filled by 31 January 2025.

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