Do you want your professional development to include being a Christian scholar?
Join the Society of Christian Scholars and be equipped to fulfill your calling.
The Society of Christian Scholars equips Christian academics to have a missional and redemptive influence for Christ among their students, colleagues, institutions, and academic disciplines.
The Society of Christian Scholars equips you to:
- Grow in Christlikeness through spiritual formation in the academic setting
- Exhibit excellence in research, pedagogy, and administration
- Think Christianly about all research issues and agendas
- Adapt successfully to the uniqueness of one’s ethnic and institutional culture
- Communicate the gospel effectively and help others grow in their faith
- Collaborate with other Christian scholars locally and globally
By God’s grace, this results in human flourishing and the common good.
“Contemporary Christian scholarship will not realize its potential unless it can establish a strong institutional base. Isolated individuals in university culture can make impressive efforts here and there, but unless their voices are united, they will be lost in the general cacophony of the contemporary academy.”
~George Marsden, The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship, 101
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The Addenda–our monthly newsletter designed to equip and encourage Christian scholars–is now available to non-members. View our Addenda here.
“The Society of Christian Scholars is a landmark initiative. It provides a unique opportunity for Evangelical scholars around the world to be connected, equipped and resourced. By being inclusive and accessible to the scholars from the Majority World and from the Western World, it also reflects the new pattern of World Christianity. I believe the Society will contribute significantly to the renewal of the scholars’ calling/mission to be salt and light in higher education.”

“I am excited about the Society of Christian Scholars. Such a global organisation has been needed for a long time. It will provide an important meeting point for academics working in secular universities who desire to integrate their academic life and Christian life. Furthermore, the global nature of the society will allow us to share resources and learn from each other. I particularly appreciate the dispersed governance structure and the aim of the society to be representative of global Christianity and not dominated by Western voices. I will be strongly urging my Christian academic colleagues around the world to join and play an active part in the Society.”

“The Society of Christian Scholars fills a notable gap in the world and will facilitate Christian professors and researchers to connect and collaborate with each other, to encourage, support and inspire each other, to grow together, to learn how to be disciples of Christ in the academic world and become united in Christ for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.”

“The field of academics is undergoing a redefinition of purpose with the challenges of humanism, materialism…leading to despair and frustration by students and faculty alike. The Society of Christian Scholars is a platform that provides answers to this seeming meaninglessness by providing focus and meaning through the engagement of Christian academics worldwide to bring Christ into the class and research and community as [the] ultimate solution.”

“It is time for Evangelical scholarship to take its place in the global public square, bringing the biblical message into an active, multi-faceted dialogue with the foundational questions in all the spheres of life and learning. To do this, we need an organization exactly like the Society of Christian Scholars. This is so important that if they were not well on their way to doing this important task, tomorrow morning we would have to look for someone else to do it! May the Lord richly prosper this effort!”

“[T]here is a lack of solid Christian scholars [in Latin American evangelical culture] who transmit the importance of Christian mission in the academy. For this reason the Society of Christian Scholars will be an oasis where they will be able to drink from the waters of knowledge together with other professors committed to this mission.”

“The Society of Christian Scholars is meeting a very critical need in our world today. Many Christian scholars are working in isolation and are waiting to become part of a community that will equip them to be more effective in their ministries. I am sure the Society will be welcomed by all.”