
The Society of Christian Scholars equips Christian academics to have a missional and redemptive influence for Christ among their students, colleagues, institutions, and academic disciplines.



Eleven Christian scholars from 6 countries met in July 2010 (9 out of the 11 pictured right) to explore how better to serve colleagues around the world. This meeting was a turning point in a conversation that had been unfolding for years. For over a decade, academicians had often talked with Global Scholars—who since 1986 served as a sending agency for Christian academics seeking to serve the Kingdom in universities worldwide (the Fellows Program)—about partnering together to form a local and global community of Christian academics to serve the burgeoning movement of Christian scholars already forming around the world.

What excitement that July meeting generated! Groups of dedicated scholars in Francophone Africa (Comité Impact), China, Europe, and individual scholars in various locations worldwide began participating in developing this initiative. A planning team of 25 scholars from 15 countries formed from these groups and spent over three years helping to develop the Society. Out of this planning team grew the first Society of Christian Scholars Executive Committee (see below) and the Governing Policies of the Society of Christian Scholars.

Statement of Faith

In accord with the ancient creeds of the Christian faith such as the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, the following statement of faith is a summary of essential biblical teaching as we strive for unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and charity in all things.

We believe…

  • …in the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • … in one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • … in our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory.
  • … in the Salvation of lost and sinful persons through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
  • … in the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • … in the Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.
  • … in the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.


The Society of Christian Scholars is governed by an Executive Committee that, according to policy, must be made up of seven members representing at least five of the following regions of the world: the Caribbean, English/Portuguese-speaking Africa, East Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Francophone Africa, Latin America, Middle East/North Africa, North America, South Asia, and South Pacific.

Cossi Augustin AHOGA, Ph.D. (Economy, Theology and Socio-Anthropology, Université de l'Alliance Chrétienne d'Abidjan)

  • Lecturer in Interreligious Dialogue, Cultural Anthropology and African Endogenous Realities. President of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Endogenous Realities: LIRE-Afrique
  • Benin

Dorothy Oluwagbemi-Jacob, Ph.D. (Social/Political Philosophy, University of Nigeria)

  • Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Calabar
  • Nigeria

Marlene D. Hines, DTL (Doctor of Transformational Leadership, Bakke Graduate University)

  • Graduate Research Supervisor, University of the West Indies Global Campus and Professor, Library & Information Studies, Bakke Graduate University
  • Jamaica

Obert Hodzi, Ph.D. (Political Science, Lingnan University)

  • Associate Professor of Politics, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • Zimbabwe

Martine J. Barons, Ph.D. (Complexity Science and Health, University of Warwick)

  • Reader in Statistics, Director of the Applied Statistics & Risk Unit, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick
  • United Kingdom

Danny McCain, Ph.D. (New Testament Interpretation, Bob Jones University)

  • Director of the Centre for Conflict Management and Peace Studies; also Professor of New Testament Theology, University of Jos
  • Nigeria

Quan Li, Ph.D. (Theology, University of Edinburgh)

  • Humboldt Senior Fellow, Free University of Berlin
  • Germany (Originally from China)

Jon Terman, Ph.D. (Neuroscience, The Ohio State University)

  • Professor of Neuroscience, University of Texas Southwestern
  • United States

D. Keith Campbell, Ph.D. (New Testament, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary)

  • Program Development Vice President, Global Scholars
  • United States


Scholarships Available

Memberships are based in US Dollar.

Full Member

$ 15-175 annually
  • Mentoring
  • Grants
  • Editorial Services
  • Regional Consultants
  • Video Conferencing
  • Seminars and Conferences
  • Small Groups
  • Webinars
  • Voting Privileges
  • Research Databases
  • Job Board
  • Networking
  • Resource Library (access and post)
  • Curricula (access and post)
  • Online Discussions (access and post)

Student Member

$ 20 annually
  • Research Databases
  • Job Board
  • Networking
  • Resource Library (access only)
  • Curricula (access only)
  • Online Discussions (access only)

Friends of the Society

$ 30 annually
  • Networking
  • Resource Library (access only)
  • Curricula (access only)
  • Online Discussions (access only)

Full Members

Current or retired academic staff of a tertiary institution and others influencing higher education in similar ways (such as serving in an academic “think tank”, as a researcher in private industry, via publishing in peer-reviewed publications, etc.)

Student Members

Anyone pursuing an academic degree but not yet in an academic post. Graduate students also serving in teaching or research positions may join as Full Members.

Friends of the Society

Anyone supporting or encouraging Christian scholars (pastors, campus ministers, etc.)

Your annual membership fee helps to provide scholarships and other benefits for Society members.

Scholarships Available

Becas disponibles

Aquellos que solicitan una membresía completa están invitados a solicitar una beca de la Sociedad si no pueden pagar la membresía o si no tiene disponibilidad de medios de pago (por ejemplo, no posee una tarjeta de crédito, no se aceptan tarjetas de crédito de su país, etc.). La solicitud de beca está disponible al inscribirse en la Sociedad.

Des bourses d'études sont disponibles

Les personnes qui souhaitent devenir membres à part entière sont invitées à demander une bourse d’études de la Société si vous n’avez pas les moyens de devenir membre ou si vous ne pouvez pas payer (par exemple, si vous ne possédez pas de carte de crédit, si les cartes de crédit ne sont pas acceptées dans votre pays, etc.) La demande de bourse est disponible lors de votre inscription à la Société.

A Global Scholars fellow has made application to the fellows program, then has gone through an extensive vetting process to represent Global Scholars. For these reasons, fellows have access to an additional set of resources and benefits not available to other Society members. For example, fellows receive, among other things, personalised faculty care, personalised help with job placement services, and personalised assistance in fundraising. All Global Scholars fellows are members of the Society of Christian Scholars, but all Society members are not fellows. See the Fellows Program page on the Global Scholars website for more information.

Scholarships Are Available

Those applying for a Full membership are invited to apply for a Society scholarship if you cannot afford membership or if you are unable to pay (e.g., you do not own a credit card, credit cards are not accepted from your country, etc.). The scholarship application is available when you register for the Society.

Society administration strives to serve you with excellence. How can we help you?