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Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant Contact Form

Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant 2025

Please submit a brief proposal of the project here. Most helpful to the Grant Evaluation Committee is a title and summary which explains the project clearly and succinctly. The proposal should articulate how the project will help to establish the scholar as an expert in his or her field (typically through relevant research but potentially in some fields through other academic work such as arts portfolios). Additionally, the proposal should describe potential wider impact of the research on the field and where relevant on wider public questions. Please also offer a brief statement (1-3 sentences) of how the scholar demonstrates commitment to exploring how faith and scholarship might inform each other over time. This statement does not have to be connected to the specific project proposed, although it may be in some cases. And also a brief statement (1-3 sentences) of how the scholar endeavors to love their neighbors through being a good citizen of their field and institution. This statement does not have to be connected to the specific project proposed, although it may be in some cases. Please limit the proposal to one standard page length, single-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins.
Provide an itemised budget for your proposed project. Remember, grants are limited to $500–$2000 USD. However, your budget may exceed $2,000 USD. This is okay. If your proposal does exceed $2,000 USD, then please explain in your budget how you plan to acquire the additional funds to complete your project.

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