What does it mean to be human, and what are the implications? This foundational question underlies many important conversations in our academic disciplines. Today the answer most popular in the academy (and seeping into the church through ‘neurotheologians’) is some form of physicalism, the idea that we are essentially, or at least fundamentally, physical beings. Despite many good intentions, this anthropology encounters a number of difficulties, both theologically and philosophically. A popular alternative often offered, especially by believers – Cartesian dualism – has problems of its own that lead many to find it equally untenable.
On Thursday, 16 January 2025 at 1400 UTC, Dr Stan Wallace, CEO and President of Global Scholars, will outline a ‘middle way’ anthropology consistent with both the grain of the biblical witness and wisdom found in the western philosophical tradition. This ‘middle way’ is called ‘holistic dualism’, that draws on the thought of Aristotle, Aquinas, and a growing number of contemporary philosophers of mind. This anthropology also provides a fruitful way forward for all who, in their research and teaching, engage issues of what it means to be human as well as those that are indirectly implicated.
In preparation for this webinar, take time to read the introduction to Dr Wallace’s new book, Have We Lost our Minds? Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing. You can also listen to a podcast of the introduction discussed on his Thinking Christianly podcast. There’s also a short video about why he wrote the book.