Poverty is a real challenge for African countries where unemployment rates are often very high. Faced with this situation, many people, especially young people, live in very difficult conditions. Poverty is a real challenge for African countries where unemployment rates are very high. Many people, especially young people, live in very difficult conditions. Careful inquiry grounded in a solid understanding of social development and entrepreneurship can discern why Christian Francophone are so marginal with respect to economic development in their countries.
On Thursday, 20 March 2025 at 1400 UTC, Dr Albertine Bayompe Kabou, Lecturer in Economics at Université Assane SECK de Ziguinchor in Senegal, will discuss her analysis of Christians in Francophone African countries and why they seem to have a passive attitude towards entrepreneurship. Their lack of involvement in entrepreneurship can find roots in the continent’s history of slavery and colonization, but also in other sources such as the educational system, the sociological characteristics of Africans and the influence of religious beliefs.
The objective of this presentation is to explain the perceptions of entrepreneurship among Christians in French-speaking Africa. The interest of this research is twofold: on the one hand, it addresses the causes of the passivity of French-speaking African Christians in entrepreneurship; and on the other hand, it identifies ways to make them more present in economic development with the aim of improving their living conditions and financing mission and evangelization projects.
Join the conversation about how entrepreneurial business can be a tool to affect real change for the well being of your society by registering below!
Note that the Q&A will be in both French and English, moderated by Laurent KAYOGERA, a scholar of communication sciences, a leader of SCS Burundi, a training coordinator for the Burundian IFES movement, and a senior catalyst in the Logos and Cosmos Initiative, and Stephen NEY, a scholar of literature from Canada who teaches academic writing and critical thinking in Sierra Leone and coordinates theology-and-science training for the IFES Logos and Cosmos Initiative.