Addenda Volume 2.1 (January 2019)

The Society: A Deeper Look and a
Vocational Challenge

The purpose of the Society of Christian Scholars is to equip missional, Christian academics to have a redemptive influence for Christ among their students, colleagues, institutions, and academic disciplines. In the previous three editions of Addenda, we discussed what we mean by “missional,” “Christian,” and “academics.” But what do we mean by “redemptive influence”?

To influence is to have a tangible effect on something. Christian academicians desire that, as a result of their work, others will experience a meaningful, positive influence on their lives.

Moreover, we want this influence to take a particular form––specifically, we want it to be redemptive. To redeem is to buy back, or to restore something to its original and proper condition. It is to reclaim and recreate. It involves taking something that is not as it should be and renewing it. Theologically, redemption means doing something that reverses the effects of the Fall, restoring what has been broken.

Ultimately, of course, God is the one who redeems all things and erases the effects of the Fall. However, he calls us into this work with him, to partner in his great drama of redemption. Hence, we are able, indeed called, to seek ways to exert such a redemptive influence on those around us in our daily lives.

Since everything in creation was affected by the Fall, and since God desires to redeem all things, the redemptive influence in which he calls us to participate extends to every aspect of creation. It includes seeing individual souls redeemed, but it is not limited to individual salvation. Rather, it involves redeeming everything that exists: ideas, relationships, institutions, the physical world, and so on. It, indeed, understands the gospel to be about individual salvation; but it is more than this. It is also about seeing all of fallen creation, which God originally created and called “good,” again made whole, expressing what is good, true, and beautiful as God initially designed creation to be.

Thus, redemptive influence results in shalom, human flourishing, and the common good. Such a redemptive influence will have three necessary and sufficient characteristics: (1) it will be intentional (not passive), (2) it will be done with excellence (not superficial or done poorly), (3) it will be done with missional intent (done in love for God and in love for neighbor).

That is a big task, one that challenges every believer every day, and reminds us of our dependence on God. But we hope that by working together as the Society of Christian Scholars, we can equip each other and greatly magnify our redemptive influence.

Upcoming Webinar:
Prayer and the Academic Calling

The Society is partnering with InterVarsity/USA on a symposium called “Prayer and the Academic Calling,” led by Gordon Smith. The Zoom-based webinar will take place on February 2 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and is limited to 100 logins, though the event will also be live streamed on YouTube.

Dr. Gordon Smith is the President of Ambrose University in Canada, where he also teaches systematic theology and spiritual theology. He is the author of many books, including Courage and Calling, Called To Be Saints, Spiritual Direction, The Voice of Jesus, and Teach Us To Pray.

Dr. Smith will address what it means to pray with the wisdom of the ages, speaking from his considerable experience in living out his faith in the academic arena. The symposium will take place in a live webcast format with participants across the Midwest, the country, and the world.

Look for a special announcement which contains the link to registration coming later this week.

Another Society Distinctive: Benefits

The Society of Christian Scholars differs in several ways from other Christian academic societies and ministries. In the previous editions of Addenda, we highlighted the Society’s interdisciplinary scope and that it is both local and global. A third key distinction is the number and range of benefits we offer.

With few exceptions, most societies offer five or fewer benefits to their members. The Society of Christian Scholars offers 14 benefits! For a reminder of these benefits, visit Over 40 Christian scholars from 25 nations selected this menu of services.

Society Membership Discount 
The Society of Christian Scholars has partnerships with many Christian organizations and ministries. If you are associated with one of our partners (for example, if you are in a Bible study sponsored by one of these organizations), you qualify for a 20% discount on your Society membership. Be sure to obtain the organization’s member code and use it when you register upon the Society’s launch. If you are associated with an organization or ministry that is not currently a partner but is interested in working with us, please have a representative of the organization contact us at

Free Extra Month of Membership
If you pre-register for the Society before January 31, 2019, you will receive access to the Society of Christian Scholars member website and all Society services on February 1, 2019––a month prior to launch––as a beta-tester. Not only will you receive one extra month of access to Society resources for your annual membership fee, but you will also help to identify any issues to be resolved before our official launch on March 1, 2019.

What journals do 
you read?
We would like to promote the Society of Christian Scholars in local, academic journals that you read. Please help by emailing a list of these journals to

Addenda Volume 2.1 (January 2019)

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